Qigong for Men |Why Man Need Practising Qigong

Qigong for men ! Why?

Men generally use up more Qi due to stress, works, drinking,smoking and Sex….

Qigong improves health, well being and sexual endurance for man.There is Qigong for ladies too. we focus on man just now.

You are reading this page because you have found us and you like to be benefited from our Qigong. Qigong for men.

Qigong for MenYou came to this site meaning that you are interested in Qigong and you want to find out more about our Qigong. You are looking for our Qigong to help yourself in areas such as health and well being. If so, you came to the right place. Here, functional Qigong will be promoted, especially Qigong for men to improve their sexually endurance, to get rid of PE (premature ejaculation), having better sex enjoyment and general well being.

Research conducted by Dr Byeongsang Oh, a clinical senior lecturer at the Sydney Medical School. http://sydney.edu.au/news/84.html?newsstoryid=6985. This link was the findings. In the article, He also found the patients in the medical Qigong group reported increased satisfaction with their sex lives. (Bear in mind that the Medical Qigong was not designed for sexual endurance)

Any man, practise this special design routine of Qigong exercise and breathing rhythms can improve sexual endurance. The set of Qigong for men can reduce or even get rid of premature ejaculation in weeks. Conditions apply!

  • This routine of Qigong exercise and breathing techniques is for man only. (We have Qigong for everyone as well)
  • Practice this routine of Qigong for men exercise and breathing techniques at least 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in evening in the first three weeks.
  • No sex in the first 15 days of practising this set of routines.
  • Practice twice daily in the first three weeks, then after three weeks, only needs to practice 30 minutes in the morning daily.

Why Every Man Should Practice Qigong For Men?

Well, generally men usually use up more Qi. As men get physically and mentally stress from works. Due to stress, some men may turn to drinking and some men may turn to smoking.

Smoking, drinking make our body work harder to get rid of the toxic substances. As the result, our bodies use up more inborn Qi and it lead to insomnia, and as time goes by, it affects sexual function ….

Some men may turn to aphrodisiac drug to keep up with the performance. However, any drug or medicine they are no good to our body. There are many side effects.

Practising Qigong is the natural way to return back to a health body.

This set of Qigong for men exercise not only can help improve man sexual endurance but also brings other benefits from practice this particular set of Qigong for men routine.

  1. Qi flows better in our body, better health.
  2. Qi flows better in our body, better health, we become smarter.
  3. Qi flows better in our body, better health, we don’t feel tiredness easily.
  4. Qi flows better in our body, better health, in winter, body feels warmer.


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